
Christopher Zapf

European Design Attorney | European Patent Attorney | European Trademark Attorney | German Patent Attorney | UPC Representative

Graduated from the Technical University of Munich as Diplom Engineer in the field of electrical engineering specializing in communication technologies and microprocessors. Internships and practical experience at Armaturenfabrik Voss in Wipperfürth, Germany; Hemscheidt Maschinenfabrik in Wuppertal, Germany and Hayes Microcomputer Products in Atlanta, USA.

Work experience as system engineer for information technologies at DETECON GmbH, Bonn and as application engineer and product manager for embedded systems at Wind River Systems, Alameda, USA.

Patent Attorney since November 2011 and partner at Dr. Solf & Zapf since April 2014. Experience in all fields of German and European patent, utility model, trademark and design proceedings, litigation, licensing and legal matters related to inventions by employees.

Specializing in the fields of communication technologies and systems; electronic circuitry, devices, controls and systems; microprocessors and microcontrollers; electric machines; software based controls and systems; information technologies and software.

Member of FICPI, AIPPI, INTA and GRUR.

Nancy Gage


Thomas Mayerhofer

Ulrike Schuster


Philipp Harlacher


Christoph Zapf


Christopher Zapf

Dipl.-Ing., M. Sc.

Annkathrin Solf

Dr.-Ing., Dipl. Ing.

Alexander Solf


Geertje Strohe-Kamp