The Team

DR. SOLF & ZAPF Patent Attorneys and Attorneys-at-Law

Collaboration on a personal level is important to us. A particular contact person who takes the special requirements and background information regarding your company into consideration guaranties an efficient, a transparent and a successful collaboration.

Nancy Gage


Thomas Mayerhofer

Ulrike Schuster


Philipp Harlacher


Christoph Zapf


Christopher Zapf

Dipl.-Ing., M. Sc.

Annkathrin Solf

Dr.-Ing., Dipl. Ing.

Alexander Solf


Geertje Strohe-Kamp

We represent our clients before the following offices and courts:

German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO)

German Federal Patent Court (BPatG)

German High Court of Justice (BGH) in patent nullity suits

European Patent Office (EPO)

Office of Harmonization of the Internal Market (OHIM)

European Court of Justice (ECJ)

Unified Patent Court (UPC)